
01 Nov

Sorry, I’v been neglecting the blog, as I’ve been spending more time on creating the Hungarian one. But today, I made croissants and they turned out sooooo delicious, that I felt, I have to share it in English as well.


70 dkg flour
125 gr yoghurt
2 dl milk
3 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
1 dkg vanilla sugar
2 eggs
5 dkg yeast

Raise the yeast in the warm milk with 1 tbsp of the sugar. Mix it with the rest of the ingredients and knead it until you get a homogeneous dough. Put it in the fridge for 90 minutes. When the time is up, divide it into 8 parts, and roll them out to a diameter of around 15 cm. Layer them and 25 dkg margarine until you reach the final layer of pastry and then roll the pile out so that it is about 3 cm thick. Make similar slices as those of a pizza and roll them up starting from the wider end of the triangles. Put them on a greased cookie sheet and let them double in size. Brush their top with a whisked egg (you can also add some cream or condensed milk to it) and put some cheese on top. They will be golden brown in 22 minutes on 165°C. Use the fan in the oven.


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Posted by on November 1, 2009 in Uncategorized


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