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Gyömbéres csirke

Pár év hallgatás után folytassuk a blogot egy Stubi által inspirált étellel. Ha jól tudom egy thai barátjától tanulta és nagyon ízlett, amikor elkészítette nekünk. Viszont megmondom őszintén azon kívül, hogy szokásához híven rendkívül szöszmötölősen dolgozott csak a fokhagymára és a gyömbérre emlékszem belőle, meg azt hiszem, hogy halszószt is tett bele, de mivel ez nem volt itthon, így az ő gyömbéres csirkéje a maihoz tényleg csak inspirációként szolgált.

Egy egész fej fokhagymát vékonyra és kb. 20dkg gyömbért vékonyra szeleteltem.


először a fokhagymát forró olajon jól megpirítottam (a képen láthatónál jobban nem szabad, mert akkor később nagyon megégne).


Ezután rádobtam a gyömbért, majd amikor az is kicsit megpirult, akkor ment mellé a két felcsíkozott csirkemell is. Egy kis Kikkoman wok szósszal és Thai chiliszósszal ízesítettem.


Rizzsel tálaltam. Nagyjából fél óra alatt kész volt az egész. Legközelebb csirkecombfilével fogom készíteni és még több gyömbért teszek hozzá.


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Posted by on December 30, 2018 in Uncategorized


Apple pie

40 dkg (2 cups) flour
1/2 teaspoon backing powder
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
12 dkg (1/2 cup) sugar
20 dkg butter (1 cup) (unsalted melted)
2 tablespoon double cream
a hint of cinnamon

Mix them into a dough. Divide it in two, roll out each, and put one at the bottom. The simplest way is to roll it out on a silicone sheet and just lift it into the baking tin. Otherwise it’s a bit sticky and comes apart easily. The dough is moist enough, I don’t use butter or baking spray in the dish. This amount of dough yields a very thin crust, as the whole magic is really about the apple filling…

I usually use this medium size glass oven dish (35*25 cm), but any similar size tin will do:

For the filling, I peel, core, and grate the apples. I love sour ones, so I usually go for Bramley apples or Granny Smith. The more the better, probably 10-12 big ones.

This goes on the bottom crust, on top of that about a table spoon of brown sugar and a hint of cinnamon. I cover the whole with the other half of the dough.

It bakes golden brown at 160°C in 50 minutes.

While it’s hot, the filling will not stay in one piece, but if it can coll for a few hours, it’s very nice and presentable. Heavenly with some vanilla ice-cream.

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Posted by on March 3, 2013 in Uncategorized


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Oatmeal cookies

I found this recipe on joy of baking and it turned out delicious and good-looking. Half of the batch was prepared with dried sour cherries and dried cherries, the other half with coconut. So the recipe is here: joy of baking

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Posted by on November 20, 2009 in Uncategorized


My latest creation

In case you have been wondering where I have been: No, I haven’t vanished, just been busy. With things like this:


I can’t share the recipe right now, but I hope you like what you see and the recipe will follow. Soon, I hope.

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Posted by on November 17, 2009 in Uncategorized



Sorry, I’v been neglecting the blog, as I’ve been spending more time on creating the Hungarian one. But today, I made croissants and they turned out sooooo delicious, that I felt, I have to share it in English as well.


70 dkg flour
125 gr yoghurt
2 dl milk
3 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
1 dkg vanilla sugar
2 eggs
5 dkg yeast

Raise the yeast in the warm milk with 1 tbsp of the sugar. Mix it with the rest of the ingredients and knead it until you get a homogeneous dough. Put it in the fridge for 90 minutes. When the time is up, divide it into 8 parts, and roll them out to a diameter of around 15 cm. Layer them and 25 dkg margarine until you reach the final layer of pastry and then roll the pile out so that it is about 3 cm thick. Make similar slices as those of a pizza and roll them up starting from the wider end of the triangles. Put them on a greased cookie sheet and let them double in size. Brush their top with a whisked egg (you can also add some cream or condensed milk to it) and put some cheese on top. They will be golden brown in 22 minutes on 165°C. Use the fan in the oven.


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Posted by on November 1, 2009 in Uncategorized


Cottage Cheese Scones

If you’d like something salty, why not try these cottage cheese scones that are dead easy to make, but are really tasty?

What you’ll need:

25 dkg flour
25 dkg margarine (softened)
25 dkg cottage cheese
1,5 tsp salt

cheese to put on the top

This is something really easy to make, you just mix the ingredients, roll out the dough and using a cookie cutter, cut round shapes. They can be large or small, but make sure that a given batch has same sized ones or else they will not bake evenly. Brush the tops with a little milk, place them on a cookie sheet and bake them at 200°C for 25-30 minutes (depending on the size) until they are golden brown.DSC08556

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Posted by on October 19, 2009 in Uncategorized


Where did all my visitors go????

Yesterday, I started a quite similar blog in Hungarian, as my friends were complaining about this being in English. I enjoyed making that just as much as this one, and the number of visitors was going up, to 28 in only 3 hours. They came from different sites and I even got some comments.

Then all of a sudden, the number went down to ZERO and never recovered. Can anyone explain it to me why this happened? Pleeeeeeeaaaase help me out, because it bothers me so much. I can’t stand the inexplicable.

For anyone who can help me I can offer a banana smoothie in return:

banana smoothie

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Posted by on October 18, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Lazy tomato soup

The weather has turned rather cold lately, so I wanted something for dinner to warm us up. I was convinced that we’d need a hot soup. This was my quick solution.

lazy tomato soup

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Posted by on October 17, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Pizza for Rebeka

Today was a day off, I picked up Rebeka at the station and as the wind resembled much of a hurricane, we decided on staying in and having some tea to warm us up. We had a mug of CharMing each and tested the salty bites from yesterday. Rebeka assured me that they were indeed good. We had a little heart-to-heart.

I was eager to make something tasty for her, but I also wanted it to be quick and available (needing ingredients what I already had), so I figured it would be PIZZA.

Although my neighbours swear by frozen pizza, I prefer making my own. My dearest friend (aka Kitchen Aid) and I can put the dough together anytime, and I think it beats any of the prepared ones. So this is how you make the dough:

Raise 5 dkg fresh yeast in 2,5 dl warm milk and 1 tsp sugar.

My way of making sure it works, is making good use of my oven’s raising program (it heats to 40°C which is ideal for raising).


50 dkg flour

2 tbsp oil

1 tsp salt

and the risen yeast.

Knead it by hand or take the shortcut and use a high performance stand mixer and the dough is ready. I usually put it back in the oven for another 40 min to let it grow a little more airy, but if you are short of time, you can leave this step out, it won’t do much harm.

Once the dough is ready, you can shape it and top t as you wish (and more importantly can): form it the traditional round way or make use of every mm and fill your baking sheet to the sides, then put anything you have on top. This can range from tomato sauce to sour cream, ham, cheese, tomato, mushrooms, and olives. Your imagination and taste are the only limits. If you are not lucky enough to have a pizza oven, bake it at 250°C. It will be ready in 25 min.

Ours got sour cream as a base, some ham, mozzarella, mushrooms, tomatoes, and some more cheese.

I meant to take a pict but by the time I remembered to, it had been all gone…


Posted by on October 14, 2009 in Uncategorized


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The beginning

sajtos keksz
The boys were going to watch soccer this afternoon, so I thought I’d make a salty snack for them. I looked on the net and I found a good recipe here:

Well, to be honest, it wasn’t as easy as that. By the time I had that recipe as a good start, I had looked at numerous recipe sites, blogs, and posts. Some of them I quite liked, others not so much. As I have always been interested in creating something informative and nice looking, I’ve decided to give blogging a try. So here I am. 🙂

Anyway. In case you don’t speak Hungarian, but you are interested in the recipe itself, here you are:


45 dkg flour (I used plain)

25 dkg margarine (softened)

10 dkg cheese (shredded)

2 tsp salt (can add a little more)

4 tbsp sour cream

All you need to do is mix these ingredients, roll out the dough, brush the top with some egg and put another 10 dkg of shredded cheese on top. Cut it up into pieces as you’d like, place them onto a greased cookie sheet or on a sheet of baking paper. Let them wait 20 minutes and bake them on 200°C for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Enjoy! The boys did.

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Posted by on October 13, 2009 in Uncategorized


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