Tag Archives: pizza

Pizza for Rebeka

Today was a day off, I picked up Rebeka at the station and as the wind resembled much of a hurricane, we decided on staying in and having some tea to warm us up. We had a mug of CharMing each and tested the salty bites from yesterday. Rebeka assured me that they were indeed good. We had a little heart-to-heart.

I was eager to make something tasty for her, but I also wanted it to be quick and available (needing ingredients what I already had), so I figured it would be PIZZA.

Although my neighbours swear by frozen pizza, I prefer making my own. My dearest friend (aka Kitchen Aid) and I can put the dough together anytime, and I think it beats any of the prepared ones. So this is how you make the dough:

Raise 5 dkg fresh yeast in 2,5 dl warm milk and 1 tsp sugar.

My way of making sure it works, is making good use of my oven’s raising program (it heats to 40°C which is ideal for raising).


50 dkg flour

2 tbsp oil

1 tsp salt

and the risen yeast.

Knead it by hand or take the shortcut and use a high performance stand mixer and the dough is ready. I usually put it back in the oven for another 40 min to let it grow a little more airy, but if you are short of time, you can leave this step out, it won’t do much harm.

Once the dough is ready, you can shape it and top t as you wish (and more importantly can): form it the traditional round way or make use of every mm and fill your baking sheet to the sides, then put anything you have on top. This can range from tomato sauce to sour cream, ham, cheese, tomato, mushrooms, and olives. Your imagination and taste are the only limits. If you are not lucky enough to have a pizza oven, bake it at 250°C. It will be ready in 25 min.

Ours got sour cream as a base, some ham, mozzarella, mushrooms, tomatoes, and some more cheese.

I meant to take a pict but by the time I remembered to, it had been all gone…


Posted by on October 14, 2009 in Uncategorized


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